
craft if once, automate it forever

Altores is a forward-thinking software company leveraging innovative technology to deliver AI-powered solutions. Its user-friendly platform is designed to optimize efficiency and minimize manual tasks across diverse sectors, serving both businesses and government entities, enabling streamlined operations and enhanced productivity.

Louis L'Herrou

Louis L'Herrou


Passionate about finance and innovative technology, Louis L’herrou, Co-Founder of Altores, is certified in AMF, AMAF-ESG, and Harvard Financial Accounting. Originating from Monaco, his eclectic journey encompasses an internship at Barclays, architecture studies, and self-taught application development. He has spearheaded blockchain development projects at universities in Madagascar, dedicating himself to crafting impactful solutions.

Tom Haneuse

Tom Haneuse


Co-Founder of Altores, Tom Haneuse has embraced technology since childhood, building his first computer at 10. With a background marked by self-learning and a venture in food delivery, he substantiated his skills with MIT certifications in AI and blockchain. Tom Haneuse has spearheaded innovative blockchain projects in Madagascar and educated Master’s students on blockchain. His commitment is to progressive, innovative solutions, with the mantra “Craft it once and automate it forever” guiding his endeavors in the development of Altores.”